GeoTagged, [S33.91813, W151.22416]
" hey, x behaviour doesnt show that x is a person who keep the prayers."
" look at y, y never prays but y behaves like y is a person who never leave the prayers."
A non-muslim friend suddenly burst it out to me.
I smile. I dont know how should respond to that particular question. I know that friend of mine was just expressing about her personal opinion but to me, that incident had brought impact on how should i see things.
" dont judge the book by its cover?"
Not in this case i guess. Once u have carried the title as a muslim, u should behave like one. But thats not alwaya the case. U might be someone who dont leave your 5 prayers but u too still doing those non-muslim doings. Hard to explain.
I am nobody to talk about religion. But as far that i am concern, religion is always becomes my main principle. Through religion, it built up my personality. And i'll definitely gonna carry my title as a muslim as best as i could do.
Define your "best"?
By being a good muslim and doing good to others. No excuse when its involving about my religion. Thats my priority.
Anyway, back to the main issue, in this case, it has nothing to do with the religion. It is the person personality on how they carry themselves.
It is not something unfamiliar.
Sydney people clean up their mess after finishing their meal at any fast food restaurant. They throw the rubbish into the bin.
Malaysian just left everything on the table. They said they have paid the service charge.
P/s: ya Allah Engkau kuatkan lah imanku. Jauhkan aku drp perbuatan keji dan mungkar. Engkau berikanlah aku kekutan dalam mengharungi setiap dugaan yang Engkau berikan.
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