Wednesday, May 11, 2011


my take 10!

what could be said as good communication?

" when you say something, the person will listen. then it is up to him/ her to decide whether to follow or not"

why is it important?

this is how the interaction happens. with communication, we are able to express out ideas and also our inner-self.

so people out there, communication is very important for us. whenever we go, we need to communicate. many ways but the most popular is by using language.

one question? what is our current 'lingua franca'?
English. Yea. but that was what written in the book. In my opinion, it is the sign language.

Sign language is based on common sense and we dont have to put much effort in learning them.
Dont believe it? Try this.

Whenever you go for holidays in foreign countries, put your finger on your mouth to any foreigner that you meet. Then you will realize how that simple language is well conversed!

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