Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Regarding to the post below, yeah, I was like had been struck by a very powerful lightning in my Professional Practise lecture just now. Suddenly, everything seemed very clear to me.

I was thinking to close this blog due the busy-ness of my daily life. Architecture student, what do you expect? Thus, just to help me giving more attention towards my design course, I made a decision to end everything here. One thing that on my mind was if it is still here, with no updates, there goes the purpose of having a blog right?

Anyway, one thing that I found interesting, and returning back my lost-blogging-spirit, was quoting from my Professional Practise's lecturer, Mr Graham Bell;

" If you are an academician, and you spend some time during your morning latte or coffee to write on anything, after 5 years, you would be just as good as the newspaper reporter ".

I was like, WOW! Why not I give it a try?

It is not because I wanna become a reporter, but I think that 'writing' is one of my natural talent. Same goes to talking or public speaking. Therefore, by doing just like what Mr Bell had told during the lecture, I am gonna be able to improve my skills and at the same time, enhancing my knowledge on certain issues.

On top of that, I just figured out on how to actually "lengthen" the "blog's column" so that my picture could be fully seen by the viewers! hihi.

Lastly, due to the increment in my maturity in seeing the world and experiences that made me going stronger, this blog is definitely another beginning on "this is how I see my world!"

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