Monday, April 27, 2009


The best thing is always to ignore others and concentrate on yourself. BUT, what if others keep concentrating on U while U trying hard to ignore them? Dont U feel that is very irritating? Annoying? Selfish? Busybody?

At the moment, as long as it wont affect me and my reputation, I still can take it BUT if they start to play harsh, JUST BEWARE. I'm always the unexpected thing on earth! If U want to play a game, I'm always ready to be the champion!

Anyway, I guess the sentimental mode starts to get back to me. Here is the prove;

Till the next updates...


miss ubi said...


thepretender said...

thanks :)

Tonka d' wombat said...

MV x bley blahhh...jiwang karat habes...hiks!!! =P
sapa la yg dok harass anda nih?? kasi ja flying kick Kak nIta!! hehehe...

thepretender said...

lagu die best laa :P

flying kick?
bagus idea tuh..nnt nk cube