Anyway, thats not the main reason for me to come out with this kind of post. Since I was the cameraman, all of the videos were from me. Gigih tuh aku nk shoot sorang2. Dah aa gune camera jerk. N surely, org2 yg dalam video tuh adalah antara yg rapat dgn aku mase aku kt Sydney nih. Ye la, since most of my time here adalah bersama2 mereka, might as well aku shoot je sumer tuh. Spontan plak tuh! Harus sumer tak fake kan? Hehehe. Oh ye, thanks to Sarep sbb bersame2 dgn aku mengedit video tuh. Kitorang buat in one nite jer. Esok tuh dh kene tunjuk kt public. Sori kalo x smart. huhu
Tp bile aku tgk balik video tuh skarang, tetibe je rase mcm sedey ade, rindu pon ade. Skarang nih ramai yg dah balik. N ade yg balik tros kt M'sia, tinggal lah aku nih sorang2 kt Sydney. 3thn lg plak tuh! Haihh.. berjanggut putih la aku mcm nih! Hishhh..
Pertemuan dan perpisahan mmg lah adat kat dunia nih. Kalo bole, aku tanak wujudnye perpisahan. Pedih dan sedih. Sakit dan perit. Mungkin tak nmpak dari luaran, tp secara dalaman, sendiri je yg tau. Mungkin tros nmpk cool, tp kat hati, rase ntah pape tataw nk describe. Lagi2 dgn org yg mmg kite dh jumpe hari2. Dah borak hari2. Dah share everything hari2. Owh, betapa aku tak suka.
Aku penah terpikir, pasnih aku dah tanak baek dgn sesape dh. Biase2 jer. Ala2 kadar jer. Endah tak endah jer. Dan mungkin aku akan tros kan ape yg aku pikirkan tuh. Mungkin. NTAH. Aku tanak dah sakit lagi. Sbb sure nnt sakit sorang2. Papepon, aku nk mintak mahap dulu awal2.
"Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven' learned anything."
-Muhammad Ali-
-Muhammad Ali-
interesting quote frm muhmd ali!!!
it's indeed true...
p/s: tp jgn la sampai tanak baek dgn sesape dh lepas nih..nanti lg sakit sorang2..i'm sure all of ur frens would feel the same way whenever they have to part with one in this world ever like saying goodbyes and farewells especially to closest friends and persons around them...but life must still goes on...i'm sure evrything will get better in time... ;-)
nanti ang balik malaysia
jumpa arr diaorg balik
hahaha. takde la. tuh sesaje je. maen taip. tak pikir pon. for sure akan baek jugak. kalo tak, sure susah nk survive sorang2. bak kate org, 'kere sumabang!'. tak gittew?
thanks reez :)
make new ones!
and keep the old ones...
(not that u guys are really that old.. hahaha)
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