anyway, let us move to the main point and eh wait! if u still cant accept that u r such an egoistic person, just forget about it cause i dont give a damn! sounds harsh huh?? thats me! my mouth is always like that and that is why i prefer to be a silent observer and keep things to myself. i've been one of those with a non-stop-talking-machine and u know what, it hurt lots of souls and being ME, i cant bear with it. it is just not my thing. BUT, i'm totally different when i am with those multitalented-high class-absolutely great persons who i call them as 'the people around me'! thanks guys!!! all of u are awesome!!!
haha..again, i'm still away from talking about my new best friends. pardon me for that but u know what, human is always like that... they tend to give those we dont wanna know rather than those we are waiting to know. but again, that's life. go with the flow!! remember what we can do and what we cant. it will absolutely lead to a happy life. try it, u r gonna believe it!!!
ok.. i wont talk nonsense after this. straight to the point, one thing which is preferable by all of us. hehe.. my two new best friends are.. hmmm, what if i tell u guys in the next entry? is that all right?? i dont feel like telling anyone rite now. well u know, i dont want to hurt any feeling. there might be people who already putting high hope for their name to be in this entry but if u are not lucky this time, that doesnt mean u are always having bad luck rite? one thing i can say, just keep buying my heart but not with money. SURPRISE me! hahaha. this is funny! if u dont laugh, u r insane! i just know it!! what? u r not?? dont be so defensive because that means it is true!!! haha
shooott!! again!!! enough of talking, i'll pass it to photos to clear about all of these issues! people said, " picture speaks better than words" and i' totally agree with it. the moment of truth......jengjengjeng.....
ok.. it sounds so gedik for giving names for those things. but it is not wrong rite to have fun? hehehe.. anyway, the idea of giving name is obviously did not come from me. i tak suke gedik2 nih ok! hahahhaha
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