Rules:1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog
Starting time :
Name : Muhamad Hanafi Rahmat (i know it sounds sooooo gewd! :P thanks btw)
Sisters : 3
Brothers : 1
Shoe size : 9
Height : 165cm (aku pendek! hoho)
Where do you live : Kg. Bindu, Batu Pahat >>> saya orang kampung!
Have you ever Been on a plane : hmmm.. since i'm now in Downunder, i guess my answer gonna be YES.
Swam in the ocean :yup!
Fallen asleep at school : hehe.. I'm the KING esp during form 5 chem class...haihhh chem is sooo not my thing
Broken someone’s heart :hehehehe..maybe yes n maybe not..
Fell off your chair : i must be kidding if NO is my answer
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : hahaha..not recently
Saved e-mails :yes but in the end it would still gonna be deleted..dats just style
What is your room like : full with lots of thing esp my architecture stuffs!!! i need bigger room...
What’s right beside you :my bed
What is the last thing you ate :laksa johor for sahur! sedap sungguh laksa abg sam inney! nk lagi nk lagi!!!
Ever had Chicken pox : yes
Sore throat :yes.
Stitches : yes! mase form 1 -tangan kene spike mase long jump..cuak gile mase tuh!
Broken nose : alhamdulillah hidung ku masih cntik lagi..hehe tak penah
Do you Believe in love at first sight : hmmmm..hmmm..Yeee....ssssss...YES!
Like picnics : just ok.. would be better if it's only with the close ones
Who was were the last personYou danced with : hmmm..ME..was dancing in front of the mirror :P
Last made you smile : fatin yg suke mengomel!
You last yelled at : i dont yell at people
Today did you Talk to someone you like :many times
Kissed anyone : no
Get sick : sometimes
Talk to an ex : dont have any... saya bujang yg blom berpunya :P ngehngeh
Miss someone : yes yes yes! nak balik rumah
Who do you really hate: those who dont know me but pretending they know.
Do you like your hand-writing : yes
Are your toe nails painted : no
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : my parents n my laen mcm rase geli :P
What color shirt are you wearing now : green jumper
Are you a friendly person : hmmm..quite friendly but prefer to be alone
Do you have any pets : cats n ayams
Do you sleep with the TV on : hehe..kat rumah..but then akan off jgak
What are you doing right now : suppose to finish my construction assigment
Can you handle the truth : yes.
Are you closer to your mother or father : MAK
Do you eat healthy : yes
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : i'm still single till now
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : keep it to myself
Are you loud or quiet most of the time : quiet but would turn the other way round with those i'm familiar with
Are you confident : definitely!
5 things I was doing 10 years ago1) i was in standard 5? kan!?
2) love volleyball
3) merayap je hari2
4) maen guli + galah + kejar2 + policen3 etc
5)saya budak baik
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire1) bring my family around the world
2) balik m'sia hari2
3) menabung menjamin masa depan
4) bukak restaurant
5) membantu mereka yg memerlukan (cheeewah!)
5 of my bad habits1) malas
2) ego tinggi
3) suke membuang masa
4) jahat
5) kaco org
5 places I am living in1) Kg Bindu
2) Ayer Keroh
3) Subang Jaya
4) Randwick
5) my imagination
5 people I tag1) Rahimy
2) Ayu Ahmad
3) Munir
4) Syazeleen
5) IzzaIdaham
yes siap pon! panjang sungguh!!!