Sunday, August 10, 2008

27 Rejab

Aku tau skrang dh masuk Syaaban dh pon. Tp bile tgk je video nih, rase best plak..
Nmpk mcm kite ade sekali kt dalam journey tuh.. And subtitle lagu tuh membolehkn kite imagine ape yg kite jumpe mase journey tuh. Well done to the composer of the video! U really have done a good work!! n congrats jugak kat lagu nasyid tuh.. the song composition + the lyric are soo meaningful! Dapat mengimbas kembali cerita Isra' Mikraj yg jarang sekali kite dengar..


mushroom said...

salam...ish2...insaf dgr lgu ni...prbanyakkanlah selawat ke ats nabi muhammad s.a.w..

thepretender said...


thanks :)