Saturday, September 26, 2009

A new intro

It is not too late for me to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all my readers (haha I'm sure by this time around, the number has been decreased drastically due to the laziness of me updating this blog). I am so sorry for that.

Anyway, so what is new with me? I've moved into a new house and I am loving it. I've more freedom for myself. Nothing to border me from something that I dont like.

Talking about this blog, I dont think that I am going be very efficient as before in updating it. I have decided that this is not something compulsory for me but it is more like a place for me to express my feeling and share my thoughts.

So, since this is can be considered as a new beginning, let me start with the introduction about me, in detail and how I see things. I believe this is very important we need to know then understand.

My name is Hanafi. I like people to call me Hanafi. Same goes to Napi, Nafi and Muhamad. And I hate to be called fifi. hate with the caps lock. *full stop* hope that explains why those who called me by that name are always being ignored by me. I'm just not in the mood.

I prefer to keep things rather than burst it out. I know that not everyone is able to understand that, but I am believing more in the ability of being considerate with everyone around you. You need others with you and at the same time, they need you to perfect their circle. So, why should us taking advantage on others? Try to imagine you in their shoes, then decide whether you like it or not.

I dont do violence. In fact, I hate it to the extreme how I treat the 'oppurtunist'.

I treasure all my friends very much.

I love all my close/ best friends. In fact, I am willing to do anything for them. They are my oxygen. And i promise that they will always in my heart. They understand me well. They are not judgemental. They can take my joke. They come to me for my advice. They respect me. They make me feel that I am not doing things alone. They give me supports. They always look high on me. They know I can go beyond my limit. They dont take anvantage on me. They give me the meaning of happiness in life. They put colors on my memory lane. They are dearly missed!

Once I have bad impression on someone, it remains forever. I give second chance only if there is the possibility of changes in that person. If not, that might be the last time I am smiling at you. I do talk but with a straight face. The faster the better.

Please respect me just like how I give my respect.

I dont talk bad about people and pls do the same to me. Once I know, you are out of the list. Sayonara.

Dont take silent as a yes. You should think beyond that.

I am an hygienic person. I am very particular about how do you look and most importantly, how do you smell.


only when under influence said...

rajin balik dah?

i nih malas nak menulis. nak becakap aje. snang sikit.hehehe

ExtraTerrestrial said...

smell? aha....that rings a bell.

pst: selamat hari (fi boleh kan?)

thepretender said...


ko memang kan!

owh bole ajaaaa :P