Saturday, April 3, 2010

Pros and fonts

I hate making decision. Once we finalized it and go for what we have decided, we are 100% gonna be responsible for it! That part was really nood good, according to me. However that is what we need to considr as we grow older.

I might be given a good sense of communication and know quite well about what should be the best solution for others, however whenever it comes to my own decision, I'm very hesiTated to deciside. It is very subjective and the main reason why this is happening, it is just too subjective to handle. Sometimes I even wish for that I could have a look At yhe book which all of the futures event that gonna happen to me could be checked. That would be great so that I would always be in the right track.

And now, I'm still have the same way of thinking about it and still afraid of my own decision. Not just about normal daily life but also in terms of what I wanna do achieve in future. Looks like I really need to find way to get away from his kind of feeling THEN I could see myself high but do not forget to look down at the same time.

I know I can do it and I'm definitely very positive of myself!

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